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    About Google Search

    Google Search:

    Google Search and Google Web Search policies are fully owned by Google Inc. Google is the mostly used search engine among all worldwide webs. Most of the users use Google as the search engine to search anything.  Google receive billions queries everyday for its all different Services.
    Google Search Engine’s search result is normally based on pages which is Generally called as the Page Rank or Google SEO Ranking, which mostly focus on content quality and page/url popularity in the web. Google have different options for customized searching, such as using Boolean operators such as: exclusion ("-YY"), alternatives ("YY OR ZZ"), and wildcards ("x * x").
    Mainly Google Search Policy target for content and human accessible text and documents visible in web servers and other web pages, such other data also like Google Image Search and Google Video Search. Google was developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997, now it is the Biggest and most used search Engine, the most frequently used search engine.

    Major competitors of Google:

     Ã˜  Baidu and Soso.com in China
     Ã˜  Naver.com and Daum Communications in South Korea
     Ã˜  Yandex in Russia
     Ã˜  Seznam.cz in Czech Republic
     Ã˜  Yahoo! in Japan
     Ã˜  Taiwan and the USA, and Bing 

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